Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What do you see?

Sometimes I look around and I see people. People living in different worlds. When the teacher speaks, hardly anyone gives her a bit of attention. One boy sits staring into space, possibly dreaming of who he will be, about a girl he likes, or maybe just about what he will eat for dinner. A girl sits toward the back, slyly looking up and down 
from her lap as if noone has the faintest idea that she is texting. As the corners of her mouth slide upward and her eyes gleam, the secret becomes clear. Another boy sits and draws on his handout, clearly he cares about the assignment. He draws the world he wishes for, the one he lives in, his reality. But there is one girl too the side of the room. She listens to the teacher intensely, but then something out the window catches her eye. As if she is being called. She stares for a bit, and then suddenly turns to her paper and writes furiously. Possibly she is writing about another world. Or maybe she is writing notes. But I think this girl is writing something extraordinary. A work of art. In fact I know she is.

That girl is me. 

P.S. There are some days in class when the last thing I feel like doing is listening. I will be honest, I distract myself. But sometimes it's nice just to sit and take a look around. We miss a lot as we go through our lives due to busy-ness. If we would just be still and watch what is happening around us, we would have a better scope of reality. So just take a break, sit back, and breathe. Do something relaxing. Draw, write, or take a picture. Observe the world you live in instead of running through it. Change your perspective.